-- The Man --

In the early 70s, I was born in the South Bronx, Hunts Point area. I had lost my sight at age 2 and became Legally Blind/Visually Impaired. Thankfully, my accident left me some sight and I used that sight not only to see but, to learn as well. i learned how to take photos and develope them at age 10 while I was away at summer camp.

I learned how to use the developing mahcine, starter solutions, processing solution, and finishing solution in a dark room with a red light. My first camera was a 110 and then a 35mm. My first digital camera was a Sony Powershot. Now I've upgrade to a Canon EOS 4000D Rebel T100. Instead of using additional machines and chemicals, now I use my computer and cell phone to edit, publish, and share my photos.

Today, I travel all over New York City in serch of my next brand new photo...